Why Black and White?

Published on 22 November 2024 at 20:56

Black and white are more than just colors—they are a reflection of balance, contrast, and infinite possibilities. Black holds every color within it, while white represents the absence of all. As an artist, I cannot be defined by a single color; I am shaped by the interplay of them all. And what better way to represent myself than through these two timeless shades?

I’ve built my website with this very philosophy in mind—black and white form its foundation, showcasing my original artwork in its raw, unfiltered essence. These colors strip away distractions, allowing the focus to fall on the intricate details, textures, and stories within each piece.

Black and white are the ultimate canvas for creativity, representing both the beginning and the end, the light and the shadow. By choosing them, I embrace simplicity while inviting complexity, creating a space where my art speaks for itself. Through these two colors, I find the truest expression of my identity as an artist.

Artwork: Drawn from Life – A Flower Picked by My Son

This piece holds a special place in my heart—it’s a drawing of a flower my son lovingly picked for me. There’s something so pure and magical about capturing a moment like this, translating the beauty of life and a cherished memory into art.

I drew this flower from life, focusing on every delicate detail, letting the love and connection I felt guide each stroke. The medium I used highlights the intricacies of the petals and leaves, turning this simple gesture into a timeless keepsake.

It’s a reminder of how the smallest moments can inspire the most meaningful creations. 🌸

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